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You think you know...

Name: Katelyn Alyse Amorin
Birthday: November 16, 1985
Hometown: Tiverton, RI
School: Roger Williams University

Favorite Movies: Primal Fear, Fight Club, American History X, Half Baked, Royal Tennanbaums, Red Dragon, Hearts in Atlantis...Buffy

My Bands:
In no "order":
Rat Pack
Frank Sinatra
Bright Eyes
Fiona Apple
Its A Fucking Trap
Dave Matthews Band
Ben Folds Five
White Stripes
and of course

Some of my hobbies include tennis and all things rock. I love to take photographs and develope them myself at school. I aspire to help people with whatever I choose to do with my life, and will be attending Roger Williams University in the fall with a Criminal Justice major. I am too excited to talk about it now. I love to sing with my boyfriend Bobby, who rocks out on the guitar with me. : ) How awesome is that!?! We try and teach eachother about music, and life, and anything else that comes our way. It works out pretty well. I just graduated from Tiverton High School in Rhode Island. I was the Class President for the year and got to make a speach infront of a thousand + people...it was amazing. Over all, my year wasnt too bad, senior years always have their ups and downs, mine was just full of downs. But things are good now, ended school on a good note.

Favorite songs: (they change often)
"Canon" - Zox
"Wilson" - Phish
"Outloud" - Dispatch
"Elias" - Dispatch
"Pennies From Heaven" - Sinatra
"Mona Lisa" - Guster
"Don't Push" - Sublime


Never Is
                                    A Promise
                                    never see the courage I know
                                    It's color's richness won't appear within
                                    your view
                                    I'll never glow the way that you glow
                                    Your presence dominates the judgements made on you
                                    But as the scenery grows I see in different lights
                                    The shades and shadows undulate in my perception
                                    My feelings swell and stretch; I see from greater
                                    I understand what I am still too proud to
                                    mention...to you
                                    You'll say you understand, but you don't understand
                                    You'll say you'll never give up seeing eye to eye
                                    But never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie
                                    You'll never touch these things that I hold
                                    The skin of my emotions lies beneath my own
                                    You'll never feel the heat of this soul
                                    My fever burns me deeper than I've ever shown...to you
                                    You'll say don't fear your dreams, it's easier than
                                    it seems
                                    You'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so
                                    But never is a promise and you can't afford to lie
                                    You'll never live this life that I live
                                    I'll never live the life that wakes me in the night
                                    You'll never hear the message I give
                                    You'll say it looks as though I might give up this
                                    fight ...
                                    But as the scenery grows I see in different lights
                                    The shades and shadows undulate in my perception
                                    My feelings swell and stretch; I see from greater
                                    I realize what I am now too smart to mention...to
                                    You'll say you understand; you'll never understand
                                    I'll say I'll never wake up knowing how or why
                                    I don't know what to believe in; you don't know who
                                    I am
                                    You'll say I'll need appeasing when I start to cry
                                    But never is a promise and I'll never need a lie

A woman mountain biking; Actual size=180 pixels wide