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Florida 2002
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Holllaaaaaaaaaaaa! Eso myeh myeh myeh...

Unfortunatly, the show sold out
as we were in line. This would
have made the trip worth while.


So many mullets, so little time...

Carlin and Nikki broke it down in every park for crowds of people...trust me it was great!


And finally...The Florida Crew
How many people can YOU fit in an English tele booth? Huh...punk?

What I Learned in Florida:
~That "churros" are the best desert ever...
~That "Hollaaaaa" sounds beautiful when its harmonized...
~That Mickey is nothing more than a sewer rat that doesnt come out to see band kids who traveled thousands of miles to see his furry ass, and then when you RUN to chase him in a parade you get to "talk to the hand" of security guards. How rude.
~That characters dont walk around the parks anymore. Insted you have to go find their "houses" and wait in 40 minute lines.
~That pro-stareing can be a sport and is f'n hilarious
~That Carlin and I really ARE twins.
~That dancing wildly in public places draws mass attention.
~That characters can smoke in costume, as long as their heads are off...
~That sucky trips are way better with friends.
~That people get extremly attracted to ugly people just so they can make out.
~That everyone hates eachother after a few days
and finally...
~ Brian Fellow really brings people together...

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